The Benefits of Submitting a Package to pyOpenSci#

There are a host of benefits from submitting your open source Python package to pyOpenSci for peer review.

Supportive feedback from your peers will improve the quality and usability of your package#

Our review process is focused on improving software quality and sustainability. We aim to provide constructive feedback to package authors and for our review process to be as open and supportive as possible.

Support from the pyOpenSci community of maintainers and experts#

Upon acceptance, your package will receive support from the pyOpenSci community. You will retain ownership and control of your package. However, if you need help with ongoing maintenance issues, we will try to find people who can assist. You will also have access to our Slack community to engage with other maintainers and solicit help as needed.

pyOpenSci will promote your package online#

pyOpenSci will promote your package online through our social media accounts and website catalog. We will also promote blogs and posts that you create about your package. You will also be invited to write a blog post on our website highlighting your package.

Long term maintenance support#

pyOpenSci values maintained open source tools. Should you need to step down from maintaining your tool, or should you need to build out a larger maintainer team, pyOpenSci will help identify potential contributors. In the case that it makes more sense for you to sunset your package, we will support you in that transition.

Adherence to community-accepted standards#

pyOpenSci maintains a close watching brief on Python-specific community accepted standards in packaging. Thus our review process will help enforce those standards as far as appropriate.

Reduced duplication of Python tools that support open science#

pyOpenSci has a broad view across the scientific Python ecosystem. When you submit your package for review, we will ask you to cross reference other packages in the ecosystem that may have similar functionality. In the long run, we hope to identify overlap in package functionality and foster collaborations among maintainers working on similar tools.

Your package can be fast tracked and accepted by JOSS#

pyOpenSci packages that are in scope for the Journal of Open-Source Software and append the necessary accompanying short file, can, at the discretion of JOSS editors, benefit from a fast-tracked review process. Read more about our partnership with JOSS here.