# Welcome to the pyOpenSci Software Peer Review Guidebook! ::::{grid} 2 :reverse: :::{grid-item} :columns: 4 :class: sd-m-auto ::: :::{grid-item} :columns: 12 :class: sd-fs-5 pyOpenSci is a diverse community that supports the open Python tools that drive open science. % The SVG rendering breaks latex builds for the GitHub badge, so only include in HTML ```{only} html ![GitHub release (latest by date)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/pyopensci/contributing-guide?color=purple&display_name=tag&style=plastic) [![](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/pyopensci/contributing-guide?style=social)](https://github.com/pyopensci/contributing-guide) [![DOI](https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.7101778.svg)](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7101778) ``` ::: :::: :::::{grid} 1 2 3 3 :class-container: text-center :gutter: 3 ::::{grid-item} :::{card} {octicon}`book;1.5em;sd-mr-1` Learn About Software Peer Review :class-card: left-aligned :link: about/intro :link-type: doc Get a basic overview of our open peer review process for Python scientific open source software. ::: :::: ::::{grid-item} :::{card} {octicon}`rocket;1.5em;sd-mr-1` Package Scope (What We Review) :link: about/package-scope :link-type: doc :class-header: bg-light We review packages that support scientists creating open science workflows. Learn about the scope of the packages that we review. ::: :::: ::::{grid-item} :::{card} {octicon}`code-square;1.5em;sd-mr-1`Authors Guide :link: how-to/author-guide :link-type: doc :class-header: bg-light Are you a package author / maintainer? ✨ Learn how to submit a package for peer review with pyOpenSci. ::: :::: ::::{grid-item} :::{card} {octicon}`pencil;1.5em;sd-mr-1`Editors Guide :link: how-to/editors-guide :link-type: doc :class-header: bg-light ✨ Our editor guide will walk you through the editorial process. ✨ ::: :::: ::::{grid-item} :::{card} {octicon}`codescan-checkmark;1.5em;sd-mr-1` For Reviewers :link: how-to/reviewer-guide :link-type: doc :class-header: bg-light Are you a reviewer? ✨ Click here to read our reviewer guide which will walk you through the review process step-by-step. ::: :::: ::::{grid-item} :::{card} {octicon}`people;1.5em;sd-mr-1` Our Partners :link: partners/scientific-communities :link-type: doc :class-header: bg-light Scientific Community Partnerships ✨ We partner with other scientific communities. Learn about our partnerships with JOSS and Pangeo. ::: :::: ::::: ## Why pyOpenSci? pyOpenSci promotes open and reproducible research through peer-review of scientific Python packages. We also build technical capacity by providing a curated repository of high-quality packages and enabling scientists to write and share their own software. We hope to foster a greater sense of community among scientific Python users so that we can help each other become better programmers and researchers. :::{figure-md} pyos-badge-home :class: myclass The pyOpenSci badge- On the left is the badge in grey and it says pyOpenSci. On the right it is bright green and says Peer Reviewed. **pyOpenSci Peer Review Badge will appear on the README.md file of packages that have been reviewed and vetted by us.** ::: ```{toctree} :hidden: :caption: About peer review About ``` ```{toctree} :hidden: :caption: Partners Partnerships ``` ```{toctree} :hidden: :caption: How To Guides Review Guides ```