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PyOpenSci Meeting Notes - 31 Jan 2019#


  • Leah Wasser

  • Kylen Solvik

  • Jenny Palomino

  • Chris Holdgraf

  • Max Joseph

  • Carson Farmer


Project Scope - in the review processing & guidelines#


Current Scope List#

  • Data retrieval: Packages for accessing and downloading data from online sources. Includes wrappers for accessing APIs.

  • Data extraction: Packages that aid in retrieving data from unstructured sources such as text, images and PDFs.

  • Data munging: Tools for processing data from scientific data formats.

  • Data deposition: Tools for depositing data in scientific research repositories.

  • Data visualization: Packages for visualizing and analyzing data.

  • Reproducibility: Tools to scientists ensure that their research is reproducible. E.g. version control, automated testing, or citation tools.

  • Geospatial: Packages focused on the retrieval, manipulation, and analysis of spatial data.

  • Education: Packages to aid with instruction.

  • Statistics/Machine Learning: Packages implementing established ML or statistics methods. Note that this does not include new methods, only implementations of previously published algorithms/techniques.


  • Max: let’s follow what ropensci is doing; ML may be hard to test (e.g. stochastic algorithms)

  • Chris: ML is more complex, may be hard to get reviewers;

  • rOpenSci doesn’t include data viz – do we want to include that or consider that??

    • Chris will ask Karthik about not including data viz in rOpenSci

    • Geoplot – as an example…

Dev guide feedback#


    • Comment on the 2 pull req?



    • Comments on scope and package guide from the group would be helpful

    • COC – exists but should be more highlighted in the dev-guide…

BOF – SciPy proposed session - summer#

  • Submission form:

    • asks for Moderator, Title, Abstract, Format = Open Discussion

      • March 18, 2019: BoF call for submissions opens

      • Jun 18, 2019: BoF submissions due

      • Jul 10-12, 2019: SciPy 2019 General Conference

  • Can we spend some time thinking about how people can engage with us…

    • Mozilla concept of Mountain of Engagement

  • Can we get the BOF text from last year from Paige???


  • Leah reports successful/positive conversation; will follow up more

Presubmission template added!#



    • reviewer database??? rOpenSci has one to keep track of reviewers, their last review, etc (uses

    • analog to rOpenSci software review repo (there is also an onboarding repo once the package is accepted)

    • – USER:

    • Should treat this first submission as a partnership to help the pyOpenSci submission workflow; ask the user for feedback; help us develop a proof of concept